Casino – A Fun Look at Las Vegas Gambling


A casino is a gambling establishment that houses a variety of games of chance and offers free drinks. Many casinos add a host of other luxuries to attract patrons, including restaurants and stage shows. However, even less lavish places that house gambling activities could technically be called casinos.

Casino is a fascinating look at the mob-dominated gambling scene in Las Vegas, as well as the intricate web of corruption that surrounded it. De Niro and Stone are excellent as their real-life counterparts, but it’s the always-reliable Joe Pesci who steals the show as the terrifying Santoro. The movie is not without its violence, but Scorsese uses it for both shock value and to illustrate the brutal reality of the world of organized crime.

Using visual stimuli like flashing lights and pulsating music, casinos create a manufactured feeling of excitement that keeps players coming back. They also use a psychological tactic called “near wins” to make players believe that they’re on the verge of winning, encouraging them to keep playing.

Another trick casinos use is to strategically place restrooms, food, and cash machines deep within the gaming floor to force players to walk past slot machines and tables every time they need to use them. This can be a major temptation for players, especially if they’re losing, and can lead to spur-of-the-moment decisions to stay and gamble a little longer. It’s important to set a limit for how much money you can comfortably lose and to leave the casino once that amount is reached, regardless of whether you’re up or down.