A slot is an opening in a surface, usually of a machined part, to permit the passage of a piece. A person may also use the term to refer to a position, especially in a game of chance or in a business, where an employee has been assigned a specific shift.
The first slot machines were mechanical, with levers and spinning reels. Since then, electronic components have been added to allow for more complex games and bigger jackpots. Modern slots rely on microchips for random number generation, game logic, payouts and machine communication. They no longer use physical reels and instead feature liquid crystal displays. Some also have special features such as progressive multipliers or free spins.
During this stage, your artists will produce sketches and wireframes for your slot game. These aren’t the final designs, but they give your team a sense of how the game will look statically. This is where you’ll begin drafting out important game art like characters, symbols, backgrounds and the overall visual design.
Once your slot game has gone through the initial stages of development, it’s time to test and polish it. A thorough testing process helps ensure that the final game functions as intended and doesn’t have any bugs or glitches. This includes unit testing (testing each component individually), integration testing (combining and testing the individual components) and system testing (playing the game to identify issues). The QA process also involves ensuring that the slot game can be played on multiple platforms.